Release Date: 2012
Genre: Action | Horror
Language: English
Quality : BRRIP
Subtitle : N/A
The story follows Dusty, a yoga instructor from Colorado, who is on a
desperate rescue mission to save her crazy brother Derek, a conspiracy
theorist who is convinced Osama bin Laden
is still alive, despite having been buried at sea. In Afghanistan,
Dusty falls in with a team of NATO special forces on a secret
assignment. Turns out Derek is not so crazy after all, and that Osama
has returned from his watery grave and is making an army of zombie
terrorists. When the group crashes headlong into the growing zombie
apocalypse, Dusty and the troops must find and destroy the root of the
zombie insurgency before it infests the rest of the world.
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4
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